Διεθνή συνέδρια
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Εκδότης
2009 Skopeliti, I., Gerakakis, S., & Vosniadou, S. Analogies can facilitate restructuring processes
2009 Skopeliti, I., & Vosniadou, S. The Influence of Categorical Information in Refutational Texts
2009 Papaspyrou, S., Koutsouris, A., & Karalis, T. Changing agronomists' perceptions and practices vis-a-vis Extension Education in Greece DSEEA
2009 Korres-Pavlis, M., Karalis, T., Leftheriotou, P., & Barriocanal, E.G. Integrating Adults’ Characteristics and the Requirements for their Effective Learning in an e-Learning Environment Springer
2009 Kokkos, A., & Karalis, T. Educating the Adult Educators: Implementation and Evaluation of the first National Adult Educators Education Program in Greece University of Macedonia
2009 Stoica, D., Komis, V., Karalis, T., & Baron, G. L. Innovative mobile learning device: Greek and French student’s perceptions
2009 Στελλάκης, Ν. Μαθαίνοντας (για) τη γραφή γράφοντας: Ανάλυση μιας μελέτης περίπτωσης Ελληνική Εταιρεία Γλώσσας και Γραμματισμού
2009 Μωραΐτη, Τ., & Στελλάκης, Ν. Ενισχύοντας τις αφηγηματικές ικανότητες των μαθητών ενός νηπιαγωγείου Greek National Committee of OMEP
2009 Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N. Are 10 users enough for measuring information scent? LNCS, Springer Verlag
2009 Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N. Investigating the effect of varying scent on user’s web behavior LNCS, Springer Verlag
2009 Yiannoutsou, N., Papadimitriou, I., Komis, V., & Avouris, N. “Playing with” museum exhibits: designing educational games mediated by mobile technology
2009 Ifanti, A.A., & Fotopoulou, V.S. Exploring the views of undergraduate students and in-service primary teachers about the formation of their professional identity. A case study
2009 Τρίγκα, Δ., & Υφαντή, Α.Α. Οι θέσεις της Δ.Ο.Ε. για την παιδεία του πολίτη στο αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα της πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης κατά την περίοδο 1975-2009
2009 Koufou, Α. Designing and implementing an innovative course about World Wide Web, based on the conceptual representations of students Proceedings of the World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology 2009 (WCSET 2009)
2009 Koufou, A., Tsolis, D., & Koutromanos, G. Using computer-based concept mapping as an instructional and assessment tool in a collaborative learning environment Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2009 (INTED 2009)
2009 Koutromanos, G., Tsolis, D., & Koufou, A. The Educational Software of Road Safety Education “The Chariot of the Sun”: Teachers’ behavioural, normative and control beliefs Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2009 (INTED 2009)
2009 Koufou, A., & Tsolis, D. World Wide Web in education. Ethical use of resources and information Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2009 (IEEE-CSEDU 2009)
2009 Koufou, A., & Tsolis, D. Ethical use of World Wide Web resources and information in education Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2009 (EDULEARN09)
2009 Koufou, A., & Tsolis, D. Using computer-based concept mapping to enlighten the knowledge construction process. A case study Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2009 (EDULEARN09)
2009 Stellakis, N., & Kondyli, M. Children’s utilization of written language in meaningful situations: Literacy events in role play contexts Littera – Associacao Portuguesa para a Literacia & Universidade do Minho
2009 Κουστουράκης, Γ., & Ασημάκη, Α. Όψεις της νεωτερικότητας και της μετανεωτερικότητας στο περιεχόμενο των curricula της πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης (1982-2003) Διάδραση
2009 Fragaki, M., & Lionarakis, A. Critical-reflective Models for Professional Development and Further Training in Distance Education
2009 Koustourakis, G., & Stellakis, N. New Curriculum – New Roles for kindergarten teachers: An in-depth investigation of presupposition of knowledge forms regarding literacy in Greek Pre-Primary Curriculum Greek National Committee of OMEP
2008 Mouriki, Α. The Re-orientation of Aesthetics and its Significance for Aesthetic Education Liverpool Hope University Press
2008 Politis, D., & Panaou, P. Imaging Words: Visual and Textual Literacy Combined