Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2017 Christodoulou, M., Bousia, Ch., & Kiprianos, P. The life–course formation of teachers' profession. How emotions affect VET teachers' social identity 11
2017 Balomenou, A., Komis, V., & Zacharos, K. Handling Signs in Inequalities by Exploiting Multiple Dynamic Representations – the Case of ALNuSet 3
2017 Shiakalli, M.A., Zacharos, K., & Lavidas, K. Preparing pre-school teachers for teaching probability 11
2017 Poulou, M. Social and Emotional Learning and teacher-student relationships: Preschool teachers and students’ perceptions 45
2017 Poulou, M., & Cooper, W. P. Perceptions of sleep duration, patterns and emotional and behavioural difficulties: a study of Greek adolescents 44
2017 Poulou, M. Students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties: the role of teachers’ social and emotional learning and teacher-student relationships 9
2017 Poulou, M. An examination of the relationship among teachers’ perceptions of social-emotional learning, teaching efficacy, teacher-students interactions and students’ behavioral difficulties 5
2017 Poulou, M. The relation of teachers’ emotional intelligence and students’ social skills to students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties: A study of Greek preschool teachers’ perceptions 28
2017 Delserieys, A., Impedovo, M.-A., Fragkiadaki, G., & Kampeza, M. Using drawings to explore preschool children's ideas about shadow formation 11
2017 Impedovo, M. A., Delserieys, A., Jegou, C., Kampeza, M. & Ravanis, K. Didattica della fisica nella scuola dell’infanzia: la comprensione della formazione delle ombre con il modello precursore 9
2017 Remountaki, E.-L., Fragkiadaki, G., & Ravanis, K. The approach of solid in liquid dissolution in early childhood education settings: a socio-cultural approach 3
2017 Raikou, N., Karalis, Th., & Ravanis, K. Implementing an innovative method to develop critical thinking skills in student teachers 10
2017 Impedovo, M. A., Delserieys-Pedregosa, A., Jegou, C., & Ravanis, K. Shadow formation at preschool: object, embodiment and verbal influence on the acquisition of a scientific concept 3
2017 Karalis, T. Shooting a moving target: The Sisyphus boulder of increasing participation in adult education during the period of economic crisis 23
2017 Ravanis, K. Early Childhood Science Education: state of the art and perspectives 16
2017 Rotidi, G., Collins, J. B., Karalis, T., & Lavidas, K. Using the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI) to examine the relationship between teaching perspectives and disciplines in higher education 41
2017 Ravanis, K. Une approche des représentations des enfants de 5 à 14 ans sur la fusion et la solidification du sel 3
2017 Ouasri, A., & Ravanis, K. Analyse des compétences des élèves de tronc commun marocain en résolution de problèmes d’électricité (dipôles actif et passif) 3
2017 Mabeyane, M.R., Nyabanyaba, T., Koliopoulos, D., & Ravanis, Κ. The probable causes for the espoused inadequacies in science student teachers’ practice teaching in schools at the National University of Lesotho 2
2017 Dourou, Ε., Komessariou, Α., Riga, V., & Lavidas, K. Assessment of gross and fine motor skills in preschool children using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Instrument 9
2017 Riga, V., & Chronopoulou, E. Strategies and conditions to foster creative thinking and creative behaviours in young children 18
2017 Riga, V. Physical Education in Greek Early Years’ Curriculum: Current Approaches and Prospects 15
2017 Vosniadou, S., & Skopeliti, I. Is it the Earth that Turns or the Sun that Goes Behind the Mountains? Students’ Misconceptions about the Day/Night Cycle after Reading a Science Text 39
2017 Stellakis, N., & Galanis, G. Assessing pre-schoolers’ narrative skills 1
2017 Sotiropoulos, L. Incorporating elements of heuristic research in teaching Anthropology 4