Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2016 Kiprianos, P., & Politis-Stergiou, V. Governance in Greek higher education from a comparative perspective 2
2016 Meli, K., Zacharos, K. & Koliopoulos, D. The Integration of Mathematics in Physics Problem Solving: A Case Study of Greek Upper Secondary School Students 16
2016 Meli, K., Zacharos, K., & Koliopoulos, D. The Integration of Mathematics in Physics Problem Solving: A Case Study of Greek Upper Secondary School Students 16
2016 Zacharos, K., Pournantzi, V., Moutsios-Rentzos, A., & Shiakalli, M. A. Forms of argument used by pre-school children 3
2016 Politis, D. Réalisme et imaginaire dans la littérature grecque contemporaine destinée à la jeunesse 46
2016 Kampeza, M., Vellopoulou, A., Fragkiadaki, G., & Ravanis, K. The expansion thermometer in preschoolers’ thinking 15
2016 Chachlioutaki, M.-E., Pantidos, P., & Kampeza, M. Changing semiotic modes indicates the introduction of new elements in children’s reasoning: the case of earthquakes 3
2016 Raikou, N., & Karalis, T. Adult Education and Higher Education - A focus on Transformative Learning in Universities 2
2016 Liodaki, N., & Karalis, T. Motives and Barriers of Adult Learners in Initial Vocational Education in Greece 14
2016 Tantaros, S., Ravanis, K., Κoliopoulos, D., Sarigianni, K., & Sotiropoulou, E. L’utilisation des prises de notes dans le cadre d’une activité scientifique chez les enfants de 5 à 12 ans 8
2016 Koskeris, A., & Karalis, T. Non-Formal Activities for the Enhancement of Knowledge and Skills: Investigation of Non-Explicit Motives for Participation 12
2016 Kada, V., & Ravanis, K. Creating a simple electric circuit with children between the ages of five and six 36
2016 Liodaki, N., Giavassi, A., Papadaki, A., & Karalis, T. Students’ perceptions and opinions for the concept of lifelong learning 3
2016 Georgantopoulou, V., Fragkiadaki, G., & Ravanis, K. Clouds as natural entities in preschool children’s thought 3
2016 Karalis, T. Cascade approach to training: theoretical issues and practical applications in non-formal education 3
2016 Anthopoulou, V., & Ravanis, K. How do we see when the light is not “enough”? Mental representations of pre-service preschool teachers 2
2016 Simopoulos, G., Magos, K., & Karalis, T. The Languages of Others: exploring the Assumptions of Teachers of Greek as a Second Language on Multilingualism 3
2016 Fragkiadaki, G., & Ravanis, K. Экспериментально-генетический метод в контексте обучения естественным наукам в дошкольном возрасте: исследование развития научного мышления с позиции культурно-исторического подхода (Genetic research methodology meets Early Childhood Science Education research: a Cultural-historical study of child’s scientific thinking development) 12
2016 Solomou, A., Asimaki, A., Tsiolis, G., & Ravanis, K. The relationship dynamic between researchers and subjects in the biographical interview: a case study in a Greek University 2
2016 Tantaros, S., Ravanis, K., Koliopoulos, D., Sarigianni, K., & Sotiropoulou, E. L’utilisation des prises de notes dans le cadre d’une activité scientifique chez les enfants de 5 à 12 ans 8
2016 Meli, K., Koliopoulos, D., Lavidas, K., & Papalexiou, G. Upper secondary school students’ understanding of adiabatic compression 10
2016 Kampeza, M., Vellopoulou, A, Fragkiadaki, G., & Ravanis, K. The expansion thermometer in preschoolers’ thinking. 15
2016 Skopeliti, I., & Vosniadou, S. The Role of Categorical Information in Refutation Texts 17
2016 Nikolakopoulou, K., Koustourakis, M., Komis, V., & Ravanis, K. The discourse for the integration of ICT in STEM education: attitudes expressed in texts on education in Greece (1984-2006) 1
2016 Sotiropoulos, L., & Berthoud-Papandropoulou, I. L'ENCHANTEMENT DANS L'ENSEIGNEMENT 3