Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2016 Simaki, V., Aravantinou, C., Mporas, I., Kondyli, M., & Megalooikonomou, V. Sociolinguistic Features for Author Gender Identification: from qualitative evidence to quantitative analysis 24
2016 Katsigianni, E.A., & Ifanti, A.A. Tenured and non-tenured school principals in Greece: a historical approach 48
2016 Nir, A.E., & Ifanti, A.A. To tenure or not to tenure? Some implications for school leaders' proactive behavior from a comparative perspective 18
2015 Stathis Balias, Pandelis Kiprianos 'Être instituteur de maternelle en Grèce : Représentation et choix du métier' 3
2015 Sissamperi, N., Koliopoulos, D A didactical approach of large- scale electricity generation systems at the elementary school level 2 (2)
2015 Ergazaki, M., Gasparatou, R., & Valanidou, E Tracing preschoolers’ ability to form and use categories .
2015 Gasparatou, R., & Ergazaki, M. Students’ Views about Their Participation in a Philosophy Program .
2015 Arvanitis, E. A Journey of Echoes and Modernities: A Reflective Journal of a Modern Sojourner 15
2015 Fyssa, A., & Vlachou, A. Assessment of quality for inclusive programs in Greek preschool classrooms 37
2015 Koustourakis, G. Could written essays evaluation affect the tutor - students communication in distance learning? Perceptions of Open University postgraduate students 2
2015 Koustourakis, G., Rompola, Ch., & Asimaki, A. Rough and Tumble Play and gender in kindergarten: Perceptions of kindergarten teachers 3
2015 Gasparatou, R., & Ergazaki, M. Students’ Views about Their Participation in a Philosophy Program 6
2015 Ergazaki, M., Valanidou, E., Kasimati, M.-C., & Kalantzi, M. Introducing a Precursor Model of Inheritance to Young Children .
2015 Balias, St., & Kiprianos, P. Etre instituteur de maternelle en Grèce : Représentations et choix du métier 3
2015 Kiprianos, P., & Christodoulou, M. Ambivalent Biographies in Adolescence: What Vocational Students Think and Feel About Their Schooling 5
2015 Kilia, M., Zacharos, K., & Ravanis, K. Four to six years old children use photographs as sources of information about space 23
2015 Karanikola, Z., & Balias, S. Promoting and applying intercultural education through literary textbooks in the Greek primary schools: content analysis 2
2015 Shiakalli, M. A., & Zacharos, K. Peer language interactions within the mathematical problem solving 2
2015 Balias, S., & Michalopoulou, M. An investigation of the attitudes of infant and Primary School teachers regarding their pupils’ partricipation rights 2
2015 Pournantzi, V., Zacharos, K., & Shiakalli, M. A. Investigating pre-school children’s ability to formulate logical arguments 36
2015 Karanikola, Z., & Balias, S. Teacher's Intercultural Sensivity Towards Pupils Belongign to a Cultural Minority: A Quantitave Research in the Pregectur of Aitoloakarnania, Greece 4
2015 Poulou, M. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Preschool 24
2015 Poulou, M. Teacher-student relationships, social and emotional skills, and emotional and behavioural difficulties 4
2015 Ravanis, K., Karalis, T., & Komis, V. Former les enseignants et les formateurs pour l’éducation formelle et non formelle : une discussion ouverte et continue en Grèce 23
2015 Fragkiadaki, G., & Ravanis, K. Preschool children’s mental representations of clouds 14