Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2014 Gaziel, H.H., & Ifanti, A.A. Teachers’ appraisal and its impact on their perceived effectiveness and efficacy beliefs: The case of primary teachers in Israel 29
2014 Ifanti, A.A., Argyriou, A., Kalofonou, F.H., & Kalofonos, H.P. Physicians’ brain drain in Greece: A perspective on the reason why and how to address it 117
2013 Ifanti, A.A., Argyriou, A., Kalofonou, F.H., & Kalofonos, H.P. Financial crisis and austerity measures in Greece: Their impact on health promotion policies and public health care 113
2013 Kazamias, M.A., Ifanti, A.A., & Triga, D. Education and the polity: A comparative historical analysis of the discourse on education and citizenship from the ancient polis to the modern ethnopolis and the cosmopolis of late modernity 20-21
2013 Vaos, A., & Stellakis, N. Kunsten å fotografere Når barn lærer å fotografere skjer det mange fantastiske ting. De øver blikket sitt og blir mer oppmerksomme på sine omgivelser, samtidig som de både bygger o kommenterer bilder av seg selv og verden de eren del av. (The art of photography and the construction of the picture of myself and other a program for preschool age children) 2 (2013)
2013 Gasparatou, R. Naturalising Austin 28
2013 Koustourakis, G. A Sociological Approach to Visual Arts Teaching in Contemporary Greek Pre-school Education 7
2013 Koustourakis, G. A Sociological Approach to the Official Discourse on Space in the case of Greek Kindergarten Classrooms 19
2013 Koustourakis, G., & Sklavenitis, N. European Higher Education Area establishment and equal opportunities: A sociological analysis of the Bologna Process official decisions 3
2013 Ergazaki, M., & Zogza, V. How does the model of Inquiry-Based Science Education work in the kindergarten: The case of biology .
2013 Kiprianos, P., Daskalaki, I., & Stamelos, G. Culture and the school: The degree of educational integration of Roma and Gypsies in the Peloponnese region of Greece 58
2013 Kiprianos, P. Greek technical–vocational education (1870–1940): intentions and failed aspirations 49
2013 Antonopoulos, K., & Zacharos, K. Probability constructs in preschool education and how they are taught 19
2013 Poulou, M. How are Trait Emotional Intelligence and social skills related to emotional and behavioural difficulties in adolescents?
2013 Poulou, M., & Norwich, B. Evaluating mixed self-perceptions: a new facet of students’ self-perceptions 13
2013 Ravanis, K., Papandreou, M., Kampeza, M., & Vellopoulou, A. Teaching activities for the construction of a precursor model in 5-to 6 years old children’s thinking: the case of thermal expansion and contraction of metals 21
2013 Liodaki, N., & Karalis, T. Educational Experiences and Transformative Learning in Higher Education in Greece: A Case Study with Student Teachers 5
2013 Liodaki, N., & Karalis, T. Transformative Learning Theory in Higher Education: Perspective Transformation for Students of a Department of Education in Greece 3
2013 Papalexopoulou, M., Rorou, V., & Karalis, T. Economic crisis and participation in Adult Education: a qualitative investigation with primary teachers in Greece 3
2013 Ravanis, K. Discovering friction at preschool age: the dynamic of dialogues with five years old children about rolling objects 3
2013 Voutsina, L., & Ravanis, K. Magnetism and Gravity: Mental representations of students 15-17 years old from a historical and teaching perspective 1
2013 Ravanis, K. Mental representations and obstacles in 10-11 year old children’s thought concerning the melting and coagulation of solid substances in everyday life 1
2013 Kokologiannaki, V., & Ravanis, K. Greeek sixth graders mental representations of the mechanism of vision 33
2013 Ravanis, K., Christidou, V., & Hatzinikita, V. Enhancing conceptual change in preschool children’s representations of light: a socio-cognitive approach 43
2013 Ravanis, K., Ben Kilani, C., Boilevin, J.-M., & Koliopoulos, D. Représentations et obstacles des élèves de 10 ans pour la formation des ombres 4