Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2013 Koliopoulos, D., Boilevin, J-M., Dossis, S., Paraskevopoulou, E., & Ravanis, K. Rapport au savoir scientifique de futurs professeurs des écoles en France et en Grèce : le cas du pendule 8
2013 Ravanis, K., Papandreou, M., Kampeza, M., & Vellopoulou, A. Teaching activities for the construction of a precursor model in 5-to 6-year-old children's thinking: the case of thermal expansion and contraction of metals 21
2013 Vosniadou, S., & Skopeliti, I. Conceptual Change from the Framework Theory Side of the Fence 23
2013 Komis, V. Enseignants, TICE, pratiques et formation - Editorial 6
2013 Komis, V., Depover, C., Karsenti, T., Tselios, N., & Filippidi, A. Comprendre l’usage des plateformes d’enseignement et les outils Web 2.0 dans dans des contextes universitaires de formation hybride : aspects méthodologiques 21
2013 Fyttas, G., Komis, V., & Ravanis, K. Ninth grade students’ mental representations of the refraction of light: didactic implications 59
2013 Kotsiantis, S., Tselios, N., Filippidi, A., & Komis, V. Using Learning Analytics to identify successful learners in a blended learning course 5
2013 Lavidas, K., Komis, V., & Gialamas, V. Spreadsheets as cognitive tools: A study of the impact of spreadsheets on problem solving of math story problems 18
2013 Voulgari, I., Komis, V., & Sampson, D. Learning Outcomes and Processes in Massively Multiplayer Online Game: Exploring the Perceptions of Players 62
2013 Collin, S., Karsenti, T., & Komis, V. Reflective practice in initial teacher training: critiques and perspectives 14
2013 Depover, C., Komis, V., & Karsenti, T. Le contrôle de qualité: un outil indispensable pour asseoir la légitimité de la formation à distance? 20
2013 Kostakos, V., Kukka, H., Goncalves, J., Tselios, N., & Ojala, T. Multipurpose public displays: How shortcut menus affect usage 33
2013 Giannisi, P., & Kondyli, M. Construing geometric shapes in a language literacy context: Defining and classifying triangles in Greek kindergarten 24
2012 Gaziel, H.H., Cohen-Azaria, Y., & Ifanti, A.A. The Antecedents of Primary School Principals' Management and Leadership Behaviors 2
2012 Ifanti, A.A., Argyriou, A.A., & Kalofonos, H.P. Informal educational interventions for caregivers of adult cancer survivors 17
2012 Gasparatou, R., & Kampeza, M. Introducing Philosophy for Children (P4C) in Kindergarten in Greece 33
2012 Assimaki, A., Koustourakis, G., & Papaspyropoulou, K. Female Faculty Members in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering: The case of Greek Universities 39
2012 Koustourakis, G. A Sociological Approach of the Art Curriculum in Greek Primary Education: The Subject’s Social Status in the Intented and Implemented Curriculum 6
2012 Koustourakis, G., & Assimaki, A. Studies in the Field of Computing from a Sociological Point of View. The case of Greek Universities before the onset of the Financial Crisis 5
2012 Raikou, N. Can University be a Transformative Environment? Fostering Critical Reflection through Art in Higher Education 2
2012 Комис, В., & Мисирли, А. Педагогическая робототехника и предварительные концепции программирования в детском саде : исследование на примере программируемой игрушки Пчелка 3
2012 Ergazaki, M., & Ampatzidis, G. Students’ Reasoning about the Future of Disturbed or Protected Ecosystems & the Idea of the ‘Balance of Nature’ .
2012 Christodoulou, M., & Kiprianos, P. Moral Subjects, Healthy Adolescents: Analyzing the Discourse of Health Education in Greek Secondary Education 10
2012 Kiprianos, P. Book Review Alexander Kitroeff: Greece, Europe, Panathinaikos! A century of Greek history, 1908–2008 New York: Greekworks.com, 2010. 344 pp 12
2012 Papadatos, Y. S., & Politis, D. Raising the Profile of Today’s Greek Children’s Literature 4