Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2012 Politis, D. Intertextuality in James Reeves' verses for children 3
2012 Zacharos, K., & Chassapis, D. Teaching suggestions for the measurement of area in Elementary School. Measurement tools and measurement strategies 6
2012 Zacharos, K., & Kassara, G. The development of practices for measuring length in preschool education 17
2012 Kampeza, M., & Ravanis, K. Children’s understanding of the earth’s shape: an instructional approach in early education 17
2012 Ravanis, K. Représentations des enfants de 10 ans sur le concept de lumière : perspectives piagétiennes 4
2012 Vellopoulou, A., & Ravanis, K. From the formal curriculum to the lesson planning: the didactic transposition kindergarten teachers’ carry out as they plan to teach dissolution
2012 Kokologiannaki, V., & Ravanis, K. Mental representations of sixth graders in Greece for the mechanism of vision in conditions of day and night 2
2012 Riga, V., Papadodima, Z., & Ravanis, K. Percepciones de futuros maestros sobre las materias didácticas en el jardín de infantes multicultural como contexto educativo para los hijos de migrantes en Grecia (Future teacher’s beliefs on teaching subjects as educational framework in the multicultural kindergarten for migrant children in Greece) VII
2012 Shiakalli, M.A., & Zacharos, K. The contribution of external representations in pre-school mathematical problem solving 20
2012 Koliopoulos, D., Gouskou, E., & Arapaki, X. How to design a teaching intervention about the concept of classification of animals for preschool children in the framework of cooperation between school and zoological museum? 17
2012 Riga, V., Papadodima, Z., & Ravanis, K. Percepciones de futuros maestros sobre las materias didácticas en el jardín de infantes multicultural como contexto educativo para los hijos de migrantes en Grecia VII
2012 Riga, V., & Chronopoulou, E. Applying MacKinnon's 4Ps to foster creative thinking and creative behaviours in kindergarten children
2012 Chronopoulou, E., & Riga, V. The Contribution of Music and Movement Activities to Creative Thinking in Pre-School Children 3
2012 Riga, V., & Rouvali, A. Korištenje tehnike Mozaik-pristupa u dječjim vrtićima: grčka studija slučaja (The tool of the Mosaic approach in preschool settings: a case study in Greece) 69
2012 Vellopoulou, A., & Ravanis, K. From the formal curriculum to the lesson planning: the didactic transposition kindergarten teachers’ carry out as they plan to teach dissolution 17
2012 Stellakis, N. Greek kindergarten teachers' beliefs and practices in early literacy 46
2012 Berthoud-Papandropoulou, I., & Sotiropoulos, L. Observation et action éducative 17
2012 Komis, V., & Misirli, A. L’usage des jouets programmables à l’école maternelle : concevoir et utiliser des scenarios pédagogiques de robotique éducative 17
2012 Diplas, K., & Komis, V. Spatial Abilities in Virtual Environment's Learning Spaces 18
2012 Bruillard, E., Komis, V., & Laferrière, T. TIC et apprentissage des sciences : promesses et usages. Introduction 6
2012 Altanopoulou, P., Dontsidou, M., & Tselios, N. Evaluation of 93 major Greek University Departments using Google Scholar 18
2012 Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., Tsakoumis, A., & Avouris, N. Learning about web accessibility: A project based tool-mediated approach 17
2011 Ifanti, A.A., & Fotopoulou, V.S. Teachers' perceptions of professionalism and professional development. A case study in Greece 1
2011 Argyriou, A., Iconomou, G., Ifanti, A.A., Karanasios, P., Assimakopoulos, K., Makridou, A., & Giannakopoulos, F. Religiosity and its relation to quality of life in primary caregivers of patients with multiple sclerosis: A case study in Greece 258
2011 Ifanti, A.A. School empowerment discourse and the politics of the Federation of Secondary School Teachers in Greece 3