Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2009 Kampourakis, K., & Zogza, V. Preliminary Evolutionary Explanations: A Basic Framework for Conceptual Change and Explanatory Coherence in Evolution OnLine First
2009 Poulou, M. Classroom interactions: Teachers’ and students’ perceptions 82
2009 Kampeza, M., & Ravanis, K. Transforming the representations of preschool-age children regarding geophysical entities and physical geography 3
2009 Karalis, T. Lifelong Learning and Preschool Education: Odd Couple or Eclectic Relationship? 12
2009 Komis, V., Karalis, T., Ravanis, K., & Balias, S. La formation initiale des enseignants en Grèce dans les trente dernières années: le difficile défi de la professionnalisation 16
2009 Dedes, C., & Ravanis, K. Teaching image formation by extended light sources: The use of a model derived from the history of Science 39
2009 Mouriki, A., & Vaos, A. Ways of Making, Seeing and Thinking about Art: Art Expression and Art Education 4
2009 Tantaros, S., & Ravanis, K. De la représentation du monde aux modèles précurseurs de la physique : fantômes dans la Zone du Développement Proximal des enfants de 5-6 ans
2009 Ravanis, K., Pantidos, P., & Vitoratos, E. Magnetic field mental representations of 14-15 year old students 2
2009 Dedes, C., & Ravanis, K. History of science and conceptual change: the formation of shadows by extended light sources 18
2009 Ravanis, K., & Boilevin, J.-M. A comparative approach to the representation of light for five-, eight- and ten-year-old children: didactical perspectives 8
2009 Koliopoulos, D., Christidou, V., Symidala, I., & Koutsoumba, M. Pre-energy reasoning in pre-school children 3
2009 Panselinas, Y., & Komis, V. ‘Scaffolding’ through talk in groupwork learning 4
2008 Skordoulis, C., & Arvanitis, E. Space Conceptualisation in the Context of Postmodernity: Theorizing Spatial Representation 3
2008 Arvanitis, E. Memories of Bonegilla: A Narrative of Migration and Modernity 5
2008 Tsamadias, C., & Arvanitis, E. Towards a Greek National Quality Assurance Framework 3
2008 Iconomou, G., Koutras, A., Karaivazoglou, K., Kalliolias, G., Assimakopoulos, K., Argyriou, A.A., Ifanti, A.A., & Kalofonos, H.P. Effect of epoetin alfa therapy on cognitive function in anaemic patients with solid tumors undergoing chemotherapy 17
2008 Iconomou, G., Iconomou, A.V., Argyriou, A.A., Nikolopoulos, A., Ifanti, A.A., & Kalofonos, H.P. Emotional distress in cancer patients at the beginning of chemotherapy and its relation to quality of life 13
2008 Assimakopoulos, K., Karaivazoglou, K., Ifanti, A.A., Gerolymos, M.K., Kalofonos, H.P., & Iconomou, G. Religiosity and its relations to quality of life in Christian Orthodox cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy 18
2008 Галани, М., & Ваос, А. Артистична дейност и преподавателска намеса. Проблеми на дидактиката в изкуствата и ролята на преподавателя, - Artistic act and educational intervention: questions about the teaching of art and the teacher’s role
2008 Gasparatou, R. Species of Philosophical Naturalism, Science and Scienticism 6
2008 Gasparatou, R. Armchair versus Questionnaire Polled Intuitions: Intuitions nevertheless 2
2008 Koustourakis, G., Panagiotakopoulos, C. & Vergidis, D. A Contribution to the Hellenic Open University: Evaluation of the pedagogical practices and the use of ICT on distance education 9
2008 Gasparatou, R. What would you say then? The philosophical appeal to what one would say 21
2008 Ergazaki, M., & Zogza, V. Exploring lake ecology in a computer-supported learning environment .