Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2008 Kampourakis, K., & Zogza, V. Students’ intuitive explanations of the causes of homologies and adaptations 17
2008 Ravanis, K., & Pantidos, P. Sciences Activities in Preschool Education: Effective and Ineffective Activities in a Piagetian Theoretical Framework for Research and Development 15
2008 Pantidos, P., Valakas, K., Vitoratos, E., & Ravanis, K. Towards applied semiotics: An analysis of iconic gestural signs regarding physics teaching in the light of theatre semiotics 172
2008 Ravanis, K. Le concept de lumière: une recherche empirique sur les représentations des élèves de 8 ans ΧΙΙ
2008 Ravanis, K., Koliopoulos, D., & Boilevin, J. M. Construction of a precursor model for the concept of rolling friction in the thought of preschool age children: A socio-cognitive teaching intervention 38
2008 Tselios, N., Avouris, N., & Komis, V. The effective combination of hybrid usability methods in evaluating educational applications of ICT: Issues and challenges 13
2008 Siozou, S., Tselios, N., & Komis, V. Effect of algorithms’ multiple representations in the context of programming education 5
2008 Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., & Avouris, N. Designing the information architecture of a Web site using Latent Semantic Analysis 20
2008 Kondyli, M., & Lykou, C. Defining and classifying in classroom discourse: some evidence from Greek pre-school education 6
2007 Raikou, N., & Karalis, T. Student mobility from a Greek perspective: Benefits and difficulties as expressed by the participating students 4
2007 Raikou, N., & Karalis, T. La mobilité deLa mobilité des étudiants d’une perspective grecque: les avantages et les difficultés exprimées par les étudiants participants étudiants d’une perspective grecque: les avantages et les difficultés exprimées par les étudiants participants 4
2007 Ifanti, A.A. Policy and curriculum development in Greece. The case of secondary school curriculum 15
2007 Ifanti, A.A. The status of undergraduate Educational Policy at University Departments of Education in Greece 4
2007 Koustourakis, G. The new educational policy for the reform of the curriculum and the change of school knowledge in the case of Greek compulsory education 17
2007 Komis, V., Ergazaki, M., & Zogza, V. Comparing Computer-Supported Dynamic Modeling and ‘Paper & Pencil' Concept Mapping Technique in Students’ Collaborative Activity .
2007 Ergazaki, M., Dimitriadis, G., & Zogza, V. Constructing the Profile of Effective Cloning Vectors in Decision-Making Tasks: Conceptual Tools, Epistemic Operations and Emerging Reasoning Patterns .
2007 Ergazaki, M., & Andriotou, I. A propos des raisonnements des enfants d’âge préscolaire concernant les interventions humaines sur les plantes de la forêt : le cas de l’abattage .
2007 Zacharos, K., Koliopoulos, D., Dokimaki, M. & Kassoumi, H. Views of prospective early childhood education teachers, towards mathematics and its instruction 30
2007 Zogza, V., & Ergazaki, M. Développement d’objectifs et d’activités d’apprentissage sur le corps humain par de futurs enseignants de maternelle : quels éléments prennent-ils en compte? .
2007 Kiprianos, P. La formation des élites grecques dans les universités occidentales (1837-1940)
2007 Ergazaki, M., Zogza, V., & Komis, V. Analyzing Students’ Shared Activity while Modeling a Biological Process in a Computer-Supported Educational Environment .
2007 Balias, S. L'éducation tiraillée par le discours traditionaliste et les valeurs de la démocratie libérale: L'exemple grec
2007 Lavidas, K., Komis, V., Zacharos, K., & Papageorgiou, V. Etude de la contribution des tableurs dans le processus de résolution des problèmes en mathématiques 1
2007 Zacharos, K., Koliopoulos, D., Dokimaki, M., & Kassoumi, H. Views of prospective early childhood education teachers, towards mathematics and its instruction 30
2007 Kampourakis, K., & Zogza, V. Students’ Preconceptions about Evolution: How Accurate is the Characterization as “Lamarckian” when Considering the History of Evolutionary Thought? 16