Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
Apostolou, Z., Koustourakis, G., Stellakis, N. & Lavidas, K. Investigation of perceptions and practices of kindergarten and first grade primary school teachers concerning their cooperation for the enhancement of literacy 13
Fragkaki, M., Mystakidis, S., Dimitropoulos, K. (2022) Higher Education Faculty Perceptions and Needs on Neuroeducation in Teaching and Learning 12
Pandelis Kiprianos, Stathis Balias and Vaggelis Passas 'Greek Policy Towards Immigration and Immigrants ' vol. 37
Manoli, P. (2016) Developing a strategic reading approach in Greek primary EFL classes: An exploratory study. 7
Bekiari, A., & Manoli, P. (2016). The influence of teacher aggressive communication on student affective learning and strategy use. 5
Κακανά, Δ-M., Γκαραγκούνη-Αραίου, Φ., Θεοδοσίου, Σ., Μανώλη, Π., Μαβίδου, Α., Ρούση-Βέργου, Χ., Χατζοπούλου, Κ., Ανδρούσου, Α., Αυγητίδου, Σ., & Τσάφος, Β. Το Πρόγραμμα TOCSIN: Διαστάσεις και επιπτώσεις της οικονομικής κρίσης στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση. 2
Manoli, P., & Bekiari, A. EFL teacher verbal aggressiveness and student intrinsic motivation and social-affective strategy use: Investigating possible relations. 5
Manoli, P., & Papadopoulou, M. Elementary EFL teachers’ familiarity with reading strategies. 116
Papadopoulou, M., Manoli, P., & Zifkou, E. Typography, how noticeable is it? Preschoolers detecting typographic elements in illustrated books. 20
Manoli, P., & Papadopoulou, M. Reading comprehension practices in Greek elementary EFL classrooms. 28
Manoli, P., & Papadopoulou, M. Greek students' familiarity with multimodal texts in EFL. 19
Manoli, P., & Papadopoulou, M. Graphic organizers as a reading strategy: Research findings and issues. 3
Manoli, P., & Papadopoulou, M. Reading strategies versus reading skills: Two faces of the same coin. 46
Komis, V., & Misirli, A. (2012). Jeux programmables de type Logo à l’école maternelle.
Komis, V., Misirli A. (2012). L’usage des jouets programmables à l’école maternelle: concevoir et utiliser des scenarios pédagogiques de robotique éducative, Vol. 17,
Komis, V., Misirli, A. (2016). The environments of educational robotics in Early Childhood Education: towards a didactical analysis. 3(2),
Misirli, A., Komis, V., Ravanis, K. (2019). The construction of spatial awareness in early childhood: the effect of an educational scenario-based programming environment, 13 (1)
Riga, V., Misirli, A. & Komessariou,A. (2020). Assessment of motor development of preschool children with special education needs. 6(7)
Komis, V., Karachristos, C., Mourta, D., Sgoura, K., Misirli, A., Jaillet, A. (2021) . Smart Toys in Early Childhood and Primary Education: A Systematic Review of Technological and Educational Affordances. 11, 8653
Misirli, A., Nikolos, D. & Komis, V. (2021). Investigating early childhood children’s mental representations about the programmable floor robot Bee-Bot. 1(2)
Tzavara, A., Lavidas, K., Komis, V., Misirli, A., Karalis, T. & S. Papadakis. (2023). Using personal learning environments before, during and after the pandemic: The case of "e-me". 13(1), 87
Lavidas, K., Papadakis, S., Filippidi, A., Karachristos, C., Misirli, A., Tzavara, A,, Komis, V. & Karacapilidis, N. (2023). Predicting the Behavioral Intention of Greek University Faculty Members to Use Moodle. 15, 6290
Misirli, A. & Komis, V. (2023). Computational Thinking in early childhood education: The impact of programming a tangible robot on developing debugging knowledge. 65,
Katsanos, C., Xenos, M., Tselios, N., & Karousos, N. Tool-mediated HCI modelling instruction: evidence from three studies
Alexandrakis, D., Chorianopoulos, K., & Tselios, N. Older adults and web 2.0 storytelling technologies: Probing the Technology Acceptance Model through an age-related perspective