Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2020 Apostolou, Z., Stellakis, N., & Koustourakis, G. Pre-primary and first grade primary school teacher’s perceptions on the integration of pre-primary and first grade primary school curricula in Greece 20
2020 Raikou, N., Kaltsidis, Ch., Kedraka, K., & Karalis, T. Teaching in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic in Two Peripheral Greek Universities: Lessons Learned from Students’ Experiences and Opinions. 6
2020 Gasparatou R., Ergazaki M. & Kosmopoulou N. Using Philosophy for Children to introduce the living/non-living distinction in kindergarten
2020 Koustourakis, G. Byzantine and medieval university: A sociological approach to covering the gap in Bernsteinian analysis 1
2020 Papapostolou A., Manoli P., & Mouti A. Challenges and needs in the context of formal language education to refugee children and adolescents in Greece. 9
2020 Konstantopoulou, G., Pantazopoulou, S., Iliou, T., & Raikou, N. Stress and depression in the exclusion of the COVID-19 pandemic in Greek university students 3
2020 Karalis, T., & Raikou, N. Teaching at the times of COVID-19: Inferences and Implications for Higher Education Pedagogy 10
2020 Gasparatou, R., Ergazaki, M., & Kosmopoulou, N. Using Philosophy for Children to introduce the living/non-living distinction in kindergarten .
2020 Riga, V., Misirli, A., Komessariou, A. Assessment of motor development of preschool children with special education needs. 6.
2020 Asimaki, A., Berdeni, N., Koustourakis, G., & Lagiou, A. An investigation of the pedagogical practices Literature Teachers use for teaching Modern Greek Language in Senior High School: A sociological approach 4
2020 Koustourakis, G. Teaching through written assignments in the Open University: an approach to the “voice” of postgraduate students on Instructional Discourse 16
2020 Mastora, V., Panagopoulou, N., & Raikou, N. Erasmus Student Mobility and Emerging Adulthood: implications on students’ development 7
2020 Konstantopoulou, G., Iliou, T., & Raikou, N. Clinical Assessment of Depression on University Students 2
2020 Konstantopoulou, G., & Raikou, N. Clinical evaluation of Depression on University Students during quarantine due to COVID-19 pandemic 3
2020 Fragkaki, M., Bekiari, I, Karava, M., Kouzeli, A., Karagiannopoulou, S., & Stravropouloy, E. From Human Rights Curriculum Theories to Children Rights Authentic Action 27
2020 Kampeza M., & Delserieys, A. Acknowledging drawing as a mediating system for young children’s ideas concerning change of state of matter 14
2020 Zacharos, K., Skopeliti, I., Aggelopoulou, D., & Karalis, T. Preschool educators’ self-efficacy beliefs about teaching probabilistic concepts and their change in the course of participating an inquiry-based training program 7
2020 Papadopoulou, C., Kalofonou, F., Ifanti, A.A. Health promotion policies in Greece in times of crisis. vol. 2
2020 Andrikopoulos, V.P. & Ifanti, A.A. New Public Management and Governance: Quo Vadis?'. vol. 10
2020 Bestias, G., & Balias, S. Respect for Diversity in Greek Schools and The Role of Democratic Educational Leadership: A Survey of Secondary School Teachers 25
2020 Apostolou, Z., Stellakis, N., Koustourakis, G. Pre-primary and first grade primary school teachers’ perceptions on the integration of pre-primary and first grade primary school curricula in Greece 20
2020 Stellakis, N. & Spiliopoulou, G. Recognizing the value of Kindergarten by refugee parents and developing forms of collaboration with teachers working in Kindergartens of Reception and Identification Centers 2
2020 Apostolou, Z., Stellakis, N. Teachers' perceptions of integrating kindergarten and first-grade primary school language curricula 13
2020 Boilevin, J.-M., Jameau, A., Delserieys, A., Jégou, C., Kampeza, M., & Ravanis, K. Enseigner les sciences dès l’école maternelle à l’aide d’un modèle précurseur. Les cas de la lumière et des ombres 105
2020 Ouarzeddine, A., Gomatos, L., & Ravanis, K. Étude comparative des systèmes de formation initiale et continue des enseignants en Algérie et en Grèce 6