Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2020 Fratiwi, N. J., Samsudin, A., Ramalis, T. R., Saregar, A., Diani, R., Irwandani, I., Rasmitadila, R., & Ravanis, K. Developing MeMoRI on Newton’s Laws: for identifying students’ mental models 9
2020 Ouasri, A., & Ravanis, K. Apprentissage des élèves de collège marocain du concept d’ion en lien avec la trame conceptuelle (atome, molécule, électron, charge) 5
2020 Zacharos, K., Skopeliti, I., Aggelopoulou, D., & Karalis, T. Preschool educators’ self-efficacy beliefs about teaching probabilistic concepts and their change in the course of participating an inquiry-based training program 7
2020 Lintzeris, P., & Karalis, T. Towards an inclusive skills typology 5
2020 Karalis, T. Planning and evaluation during educational disruption: lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic for treatment of emergencies in education 7
2020 Karalis, T., & Raikou, N. Teaching in times of COVID-19: Inferences and Implications for Higher Education Pedagogy 10
2020 Fotopoulou, V. Emergence and dimensions of undergraduate-students’ perceptions of themselves as teachers through teaching practice: An exploratory study 7(2), pp. 1-16
2020 Dimitriadou, S., Lavidas, K., Karalis, T., & Ravanis, K. Study Engagement in University Students: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale with Greek Students 4
2020 Meli, K., Lavidas, K., & Koliopoulos, D. Factors that influence students in choosing physics programmes at university level: The case of Greece 50
2020 Delegkos, N., & Koliopoulos, D. Constructing the 'energy' concept and its social use by students of primary education in Greece 50
2020 Riga, V., & MacDonald, S.M. Teaching performance studies: communicating contemporary curricular practice in the United States. 40.
2020 Rouvali, A., & Riga, V. Listening to the voice of a pupil with autism spectrum condition in the educational design of a mainstream early years setting
2020 Thermou, A., & Riga, V. Research review for the presence of physical literacy in the world 6
2020 Poulou, M. S. Students’ Adjustment at School: The Role of Teachers’ Need Satisfaction, Teacher-Student Relationships and Student Well-being. 41
2020 Katsigianni, E.A., & Ifanti, A.A. School leadership in Greece. Autonomy trends and limitations vol. 7
2020 Asimaki, A., Koustourakis, G., & Nikolakakos, N. A Foucauldian disciplinary theorization of inmate education in the Second Chance Schools in Greek prisons: A case study 52
2020 Mpourgos, I., Kiprianos, P., Koustourakis, G., & Stamelos, G. Student dropouts and the difficulty to speak about themselves 7
2020 Koustourakis, G., Spiliopoulou, G., Asimaki, A., & Lavidas, K. Family cultural activities and educational expectations of Day High School students 9
2019 Manoli, P., Berdesi, E., Kiamili, D., & Vyzovitou, E Teaching practices, materials and classroom climate in the context of L2 classes offered to adult refugees and migrants in Greece. 26
2019 Manoli, P., Zafiri, M., & Zorbas, V. Greek students’ views on academic writing in Distance Learning within the TESOL context. 10
2019 Manoli, P. Promoting students’ critical literacy through the use of popular culture texts in the formal language classroom. 7
2019 Papadopoulou, M., Goria, S., Manoli, P., & Pagkourelia, E. Developing multimodal literacy in tertiary education. 37
2019 Kasimati, M.-C., & Ergazaki, M. Introducing socio-environmental concepts to preschoolers: the case of the ‘local-global’ connection .
2019 Dalapa, Α., Vayena, V., Sissamperi, N., Koliopoulos, D. Using a hydraulics bench to investigate 6th grade students’ energy conceptions. 6 (1)
2019 Ampatzidis, G., Delserieys, A., Ergazaki, M., & Jegou, C. Mirror, mirror on the wall, is nature predictable at all? Tracing students’ ideas on ecosystems’ predictability .