Διεθνή περιοδικά
Έτος Όνομα / ονόματα Τίτλος Τεύχος
2018 Ravanis, K., & Kaliampos, G. Mental representations of 14-15 years old students about the light propagation time 8
2018 Tsipianitis, D., & Karalis, T. An investigation of emerging adulthood in Greek higher education students 5
2018 Gasparatou, R. Understanding the sciences: a quasi-Wittgensteinian note on NOS online first
2018 Arvanitis, E. Preservice teacher education: Towards a transformative and reflexive learning 8
2018 Dziva, D., Nyikahadzoyi, M. R., Ravanis, K., & Koliopoulos, D. Teacher knowledge manifestation of integrated Science teachers in Zimbabwe 2
2018 Nikolakopoulou, K., Koustourakis, M., Komis, V., & Ravanis, K. The discourse on the integration of ICT in STEM education: approaches expressed in texts on education in Greece (1984-2006) 3
2018 Stellakis, N. Access to and quality of early childhood education and care in Greece (online first)
2018 Poulou, M, S., & Bassett, Hideko, H. (2018). 36(3), 205- 222. Children’s emotion and behavior responses to peer provocation and early school adjustment. 36
2018 Pitsolanti, M., Papadopoulou, F., & Tselios, N. Evaluation of 50 Greek Science and Engineering University Departments using Google Scholar 7
2018 Altanopoulou, P., & Tselios, N. Personality and academic learning in wiki-mediated collaborative activities: Evidence from four case studies 16
2018 Fotopoulou, V.S., & Ifanti, A.A. Pre-primary teachers' perceptions about professionalism and professional development through the lens of transformative learning: A case study in Greece 8
2018 Andrikopoulos, V., & Ifanti, A.A. Primary teachers' perceptions of professional empowerment: From the local context to a global perspective 33
2018 Gaziel, Η.Η., Ifanti, Α.Α., & Mendelevich, I. Antecedents of school teacher's creativity at work 40
2017 Raikou, N., Karalis, Th. & Ravanis, K. Implementing an innovative method to develop critical thinking skills in student teachers 10
2017 Kantzou, V., Manoli, P., Mouti, A., & Papadopoulou, M. Γλωσσική Εκπαίδευση προσφύγων και μεταναστών/τριών: Πολλαπλές μελέτες περίπτωσης στον Ελλαδικό χώρο. 3
2017 Ampatzidis, G., & Ergazaki, M. Toward an “Anti-Balance of Nature” Learning Environment for Non-Biology Major Students: Learning Objectives and Design Criteria .
2017 Ampatzidis, G., & Ergazaki, M. Using ecology to enhance everyday reasoning: the case of interdependent and reciprocal causality .
2017 Kakana, D.-Μ, Roussi – Vergou, C.J., Mavidou, A., Garagouni – Areou, F., Manoli, P., Theodosiou, S., Chatzopoulou, K., Androusou, A., Tsafos, V. & Avgitidou, S. Mapping the impact of economic crisis on Greek education: Teachers' views and perspectives. 7
2017 Asimaki, A., Koustourakis, G., & Vergidis, D. Regulative discourses of primary schooling in Greece: memories of punishment 26
2017 Spiliopoulou, G., Koustourakis, G., & Asimaki, A. Educational aspirations and choices of people from differentiated national and cultural environments: A review of recent scientific literature 4
2017 Spiliopoulou, G., Koustourakis, G., & Asimaki, A. Family "Capital" and Young People's Educational - Occupational Choices in the Context of a Review of Recent Sociological Literature 1
2017 Gasparatou, R. Scientism and scientific thinking: A note on science education 26
2017 Fragkaki, M. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Trends 4
2017 Kiprianos, P., & Theodoropoulos, N. Innovation in Education: The Social Representations and Practices of Greek Teachers 1
2017 Papachristopoulou, Ε., Kiprianos, P., & Christodoulou, M. Fulfilling a Failed Dream: School Dropout and Second Chance Schools 3